Mid-Ohio April


If anyone cares…

I’m heading to Gingerman for the open test weekend next week. Will be there on Saturday. Looks like it is $150 for the day.

Also I was curious if anyone knows if there is 110 power available anywhere in the grassy areas of Mid-o? Never had to look for it before.


Don’t count on finding power and Mid Ohio. Last time I was there, most of the power outlets in the paved paddock area weren’t turned on.


Correct, no power in the grass at MidOhio.

Ryan, for the Runoffs & NASA National they brought in generators.


Guess I’ll have to run the generator more than I’d like. No biggie. If people have stuff they want to charge as well feel free to come over and use the outlets.


So, I’m looking for a baffled pan and scraper. Anyone have extra they want to get rid of…or where has the best prices?


Hard Motorsport is selling baffled pans with a core. Unless you weld yourself, hard to beat the price.


Here’s the race videos from this weekend.

Sunday: http://youtu.be/M9T2lHOpcMg

Saturday: http://youtu.be/X4KRsrgDPes


Great race on Sun. Was that John Greene in the green SM ruining your race at 26 min? What a guy!


I have a scraper to sell.


Oh yeah, which one?


hahah would it be anyone else? He tried to wreck into me in keyhole during Saturday’s race.

He came up to me after the race Sunday and told me he wasn’t trying to block me he was just “driving his line”. He was all pissed off when I bumped him. I saw him flip me off before his dive bomb into turn 1. We’ve all dealt with him before. I’ve never seen someone so slow which such an ego though. Definitely don’t miss racing with miatas…


If he wanted to wreck you, he would have done it–he’s really good at it! I was kinda hoping he wouldn’t come back after he got sat down a couple years ago.


I think it’s the Ireland Engineering one.


Saturday Race: https://vimeo.com/40494147

Sunday Race Front View: https://vimeo.com/40499685

Sunday Race REAR VIEW: https://vimeo.com/40499686

Sorry for the standard def video on Sunday. Each is over 2GB and it doesn’t want to upload files that big so I had to downsize.




So, umm…I have this video.

Would love to upload it. 395MB. How to do this? Youtube says its too long, and vimeo says I can only do 250MB.


[quote=“Elephant4” post=65094]Sunday

Fun video Simon…a standing start! Thought you guys didn’t like standing starts? :wink: At least that’s what I seem to remember everyone telling the RD at Nationals last year!

Good show guys! An awesome track in a really pretty part of the country.



[quote=“Foglght” post=65147]So, umm…I have this video.

Would love to upload it. 395MB. How to do this? Youtube says its too long, and vimeo says I can only do 250MB.[/quote]250MB? Vimeo should be able to do 2GB. At least with my Plus account it’s 2GB. Sorry that’s not helpful. I don’t use youtube. You could try to size it down in your editing software…


[quote=“sneville44” post=65148][quote=“Elephant4” post=65094]Sunday

Fun video Simon…a standing start! Thought you guys didn’t like standing starts? :wink: At least that’s what I seem to remember everyone telling the RD at Nationals last year!

Good show guys! An awesome track in a really pretty part of the country.

Scott, we decided to start practicing so we’d be ready at Nationals this year!


Yeah, I saw the upgraded file sizes on vimeo, but not going to pay for a plus account.

I’ll probably just shorten it to 250mb and upload. Just using windows movie maker.