Parking. The Pro pits has been carved up into spaces and they are being sold. The spaces are, IIRC, 20’x120’, or something like that. I don’t know the cost. The DE pits are free.
We enter the track from the ProPits and exit the track into the DE pits. Then in the DE grid some cars will get sent to impound and others will be sent on.
The problem with this plan is that we will end up scattered all over hell’s half acre and that will put a serious crimp on SpecE30 bonding.
Someone at CMP this weekend came up with the idea of SpecE30 occupying the skid pad. Or better yet, coordinating with NASA to buy the skid pad parking. I talk to Jim Pantas about this today, he likes the idea, and will take it up with National.
The skid pad has some power, but I don’t recall how many power poles. There’s also water not too far away in the tech shed, call it 50m. There’s not much power in the DE pits, so the skidpad is at no disadvantage for this. I just bought a generator to ensure my trailer AC has power.
If this works out we’ll agree to a price with NASA and then we’ll take up a collection. One way we could do this is for the enclosed trailers to take over the skid pad area. The open trailers would go further down the hill. Then everyone’s cars park around the skid pad and we set up a bunch of EZ-ups in some central location. Those with open trailers just move their tools to a trailer with AC. Then everyone lives a life of luxury and comfort.
Getting 50 of us on the skidpad will be tricky. We may have to plan/execute that with some care. RVs that need 30A service might end up elsewhere it they can’t get the power they want at the skidpad.