Anyone know off of the top of their head? I know the E30 base class is TTF, but what is the affect of all the mods? Is it competitive in whatever class it ultimately belongs in?
What TT class is a Spec E30
The base class for an E30 BMW 325is TTF.
But with the mods and looking at the cars that ran in the Nationals I’m guessing a SpecE30 would fit into TTE. TTD has cars like M3s and Mustangs in it.
Here’s the link for the 2007 National Results:
Scott Gress wrote:
No problem…
If you want a definitive answer you can post the same question on NASA Forums for Time Trial…Greg Greenbaum is the TT honcho and is quite responsive. Here’s the TT Forum link.
Alternatively you can email Greg too:
Greg Greenbaum
National & SoCal TT, PT, & ST Director
Now I’m wondering how close my guess is… :huh:
You guys beat me to it. A guy I know runs what is essentially a Spec E30 (for TT point calculations) and he is in TTE. Funny thing is, based on his level of prep, he is doing an M50 swap and will still be in TTE.