I’m all for a spec tire but the current state of RA1s is ridiculous. I don’t know what they are doing to the tires, I suspect they will say nothing has changed but practical experience does not support that. Issues: 1) they don’t last as long as they used to and 2) they are significantly slower until several heat cycles in.
Why should it take 5-6 heat cycles before the tires come up to speed?
Today I ran 12 session old tires one session and the next session I ran fresh 3/32" Toyos that had 1 heat cycle (from the previous event) and went 1.5 seconds slower!! Unfortunately we all have to run new tires at some point, why should we have to waste the first 1/2-1/3 of the tire life with poor results!
For our car, we are effectively tossing away 2 full race weekends in order to have 2 sets of Toyos “primed” for use at NASA National!
When is the current Toyo contract up? and what do we need to do to get other options tested/considered? The SM6 Hoosier has been mentioned as being nearly the same cost as a shaved Toyo yet being more long lasting than a std Hoosier R6. How many heat cycles can we really get out of SM6? What other realistic option are there? I like BFG R1s but they are pretty pricey and I don’t have experience running them for their entire life.
Anyone else have similar experiences lately with the Toyos?
Edit: I’d be fine with if we could go back to they way they used to be.