PDS wrote:
[quote]Ranger, I would be intereted to know what your durometer readings are - if you feel like sharing.
Also, what process are you using to ensure repeatability? I’m assuming that various surface tire temps will skew the results?
I’m not questioning your methodoligy, I’m actually very interested in putting a like process in place myself.
My durometer #'s would be meaningless to you. Every device is a little different and every way you do it comes up with slightly different results. You have to get your own durometer, come up with a protocol that makes sense to you, and then keep records.
That being said…My durometer reads a new tire at ~60. My 3 event RA1’s are now at ~61, although I expected them to be a little higher. The tire goes from race to DE at ~66, and gets tossed >70.
I measure the tire about an inch from the outside edge. I take as many measurements as necessary until a majority of readings agree. Measurements are surprisingly independent of temp. So 50deg readings will probably be exactly the same as 70deg readings. But outside of that temp range you’re just asking for confusion.
My old durometer read a bit harder, even tho it was the same brand.