Age wrote:
[quote]The free mods are helpful but most of us running race prepped cars and all that stuff is either done or not allowed by SE30 rules which is our “home” ruleset.
As has been said, Spec E30s are not going to be competitive in D (TT or PT).I would be inclined to remove my ballast to run lighter in D, but really do I want that hassle just to be mid pack in D against the local turbos? No.
As a real example, our schedule this month in Norcal has PT and SE30 running back to back - even if we were so inclined to modify the car between sessions, there’s no time to modify the car and run both series at a competitive level.
SE30s have a unique rule set much like SM. The lap times speak for themselves when compared to each other and with PT. SMs class as E and are slightly faster (based on lap times) than SE30s which are D. It doesn’t make sense. Versus a re-baselining of the E30 platform, the easy solution is a guest class in E for SE30, just as is done for several other race classes, as well as Enduros. The class compliance rules could be manageable by the SE30 director and NASA tech as they are for SE30 so PT/TT directors don’t have to learn a whole new ruleset. The SE30 rules are pretty stable so it is unlikely changes would come that would require a re-evaluation / upclassing.
In my mind, the outcome is that SE30s would run in PT for fun against each other, and for extra track time. But we are all competitive by nature and want to well in our class and that’s what creates this internal conflict. Judging from the official responses I don’t see it changing via email and bulletin boards. A well-thought out approach at an “official” level and in person or on the phone to create a situation where SE30 will be competitive in PT or TT for points. Until then it’s just a fun run against other SE30s that choose to supersize into PT for extra track time.[/quote]
Im in close contact with the national PT director almost daily and we discuss, debate and argue all the time. Part of this proccess actually results in some good things for the spec series cars. For example I gained a few more free mods this year with stress bars, lowered the points for the front vailence and lower stress bars. We also nailed down a MAX power to weight limit for each class. This means some of the top PTE cars wont be PTE next year without adding ballast or simply moving up a class. PTE now has an adjusted hp to weight max limit of of 16.75-1. I think all these things help the E30’s some. The problem is we have 2 distinctly diferent set of rules. The PT formula works fairly well for taking every brand of car out there and allowing each owner to choose what mods work best for their individual car to be competitive in PT. The E30 ruleset is more to keep costs down which does a great job of creating good close racing within E30 but keeps the cars slower than the closest competitive class for PT.
Believe it or not, im on your side. I discussed last night with Greg the fact of the championship this year, the fastest E30 time was more than 4 seconds behind PTE’s fastest time. There is a chance that a waiver could be given to those cars that would legally point out to PTD to still run in PTE, so dont think that we are wasting your time dicussing this on message boards and emails. There is another way around it as well. You have the right to submit a dyno sheet and weight to be reclassed. This would probably be the best way to get around the points issue and still run in PTE. If you want specific info on how to do this, ask me.
I havent taken the time (yet) to look at the E30 rules as far as whats changed so, my apologies for not knowing there were changes.
The other issue is, the fact of the matter is that all RD’s (and im sure they dont even realize it) need to have a strong knowlege of the SpecE30, SF, SM rules to be fair to all competitors. I know I learned alot last year at the championship as the RD, not just with all the different rules but also about “what came stock on this car”. So many people either dont know or “dont want to believe”. LOL!!
So, im trying to establish a way to get anyone who wants to run in PT with a Spec car a chance to be competitive.
Sorry for the novel.
Shawn Meze
Socal PT & TT co director.
2008 Championship group J race director