SpecE30 CafeShop?



Just a thought… have you considered opening a SpecE30 store on www.CafeShops.com ? It would let you sell SpecE30 shirts, bumper stickers, etc. without having to act as a middleman or worry about ordering a bunch and then not being able to sell them – they use a print-on-demand model.

  • Dan Smith


Post edited by: sharkd, at: 2005/07/20 16:21


sharkd wrote:


Just a thought… have you considered opening a SpecE30 store on www.CafeShops.com ? It would let you sell SpecE30 shirts, bumper stickers, etc. without having to act as a middleman or worry about ordering a bunch and then not being able to sell them – they use a print-on-demand model.

  • Dan Smith

:whistle:Post edited by: sharkd, at: 2005/07/20 16:21[/quote]


Thanks for the tip. I’ll check it out.
