Spec E30 high-resolution logos for print and web


I received a request from the east coast for a vector or high-resolution SpecE30 logo that someone could put on their trailer at a large size. It turns out neither I nor Mike had such a thing but he pointed me in the direction of Bruce Leggett who created the original logo. He sent me a reasonably good sized bitmap file which I had converted by a designer into an EPS, PDF and Illustrator file.

If anyone would like to use these to get vinyl printed or do anything else fun, have at them. Just post a photo to share your creativity!

Large PNG (bitmap) - http://spece30.com/images/assets/spece30_logo_xlarge.png
PDF file (vector) - http://spece30.com/images/assets/spece30_logo.pdf

I can’t upload EPS or Illustrator files to the site but you can get a vector representation out of the PDF. If you need the actual EPS/AI files, just drop me a note.

  • For the lawyers: SpecE30.com grants to you (“Licensee”) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, royalty-free, fully revocable license, without the right to grant sublicenses, to display the Spec E30 logo (“Mark”).

Licensee agrees that it shall use the Mark only in connection with goods and services that are of a high standard of quality so as to preserve the goodwill and good reputation associated with the Mark

By downloading and using the Mark, you agree to these terms.