Piloti Spyder $29.97


Thought some of you might be interested. I ordered mine this morning.



$5 coupon code. sh393

Covers most of shipping cost.


I got a set of these last time in Red/Black, and I love them. I already have 4 pairs of Pilotis and this will be my 5th. They just make driving my street car feel so much better.


If you live in the Carolinas, check at Rugged Wearhouse for Pilotis. I got a pair of Prototipos for $20. They had various styles, some as cheap as $15. The stores have a website with a “store locator.”


I know Ross often has Pilotis real cheap as well. I have 2 pairs of the Prototipos and they are actually my favorite of the 3 types I own.


I got a pair Ferrari Pumas for $10 in China Town (NYC).

Sure they are real.:dry: They just misspelled Firrari


LOL, from the piloti link …

I usually try to go “around” the track quickly.