Oil Pan Baffles


Has anyone welded any baffles in the stock oil pan? I have the pan off to weld a couple cracks the previous owner put in it (see attached picture)and while I am in there welding, I would like to baffle it but have not found anyone else that has done this. I do have the Ireland crank scraper I will install.



Dude that pan is trash


Metric Mechanic welds baffles in. Paul Poore puts a whole new bottom on the OEM pan. His piece also contains baffles.


send that pan to paul poore. he can turn it into a baffled pan with a new sump.


Any more pictures of that Pual Poore pan?




Kishg…remove the OP sending unit from the block and put it on the fender…-3 or -4 line to connect. It will not live on the block. CB


cwbaader wrote:

yeah mine is mounted on the body too


chuck, yes, already removed. going to remote it. it did live there for 3 years though. this is the original 87k mile block from my bronzit track car. matter of fact that’s the original head as well. all rebuilt of course.


Does anyone know the turn around time on the Paul pan? Does he have any ready to go on the shelf?


Anyone have any pictures of the baffles welded in?



best thing is to call him @ 215-766-2555. tobin, i thought i did post some a while ago. can’t find them now. will look again later.


Thx. I left a msg for him.


Not sure about the pan, but he definitely has the exhaust ready to go on the shelf right now. Just e-mail him or call him. He replied to me promptly.


Rob in VA wrote:

Ordered 2 at the end of December… Still waiting. Getting tired of the “should be finished up next week, just need to…”.
A little peaved that we couldn’t get this on before the start of the season (which is next weekend!). You would think 3.5 months would be enough.


I still never heard from Paul and judging from the turn-around-time, I’ll consider something else. Thx


I got most of the pan repaired. Still have to figure out the best way to baffle it.


Another picture.


VAC sells a weld-in baffle, if you don’t feel like fabbing one yourself.


(no affiliation, other than planning to install one soon.)


cwbaader wrote:

Why are you moving the OP sending unit to the fender? Thanks!