New rearend specs???


I am building a new car for next season. The cage is now finished!!!(pics soon) On the agenda for this week is the rearend. I read in another thread that there may be new specs/rules for next season?

Any help would be appreciated as I do not want to build it twice…



Build it to current specs and you’ll be ok. I’ve not seen anyone discussing any rule change that would require that the entire SpecE30 field change something.


Are you referring to the max torque reading for an approximation of LSD lock up? I think the max people with fresh clutches had was 65 ft lbs? There’s a thread talking about the jack a wheel approach to torque testing the diff.


I think C. was working on a limit for dif. strength but like ranger said it wont be something that most guys will have to worry about.


Weld it up!, You’'ll be fine
