Need wiring diagram for 1987 325is


I really hope someone can help me on this.

As I wrote in another post, I just obtained a 90% complete 1987 325is that will be exclusively raced.

The wiring, particularly under the driver dashboard area, is a rats nest. My historical experience with putting together race cars is that it is easier to remove all of the factory wiring and just re-run what you actually need, the exception being that I leave alone computer wires and ABS wires.

To that extent, I need good wiring diagram(s) that shows where the wires go, what color they are, etc.

If anyone has any that they can scan, or can direct me to a good book or chart that I can buy, it would be greatly appreciated.



Get yourself a Bentley manual since the rule now references it.

Check the Links section for the wiring diagrams.,com_weblinks/catid,76/Itemid,4/


Go to and download what you need. I would suggest printing the whole damn thing as you will use it often. It is the OEM electrical trouble shooting manual. Chuck


That isn’t an option in Spec E30. The only wiring that can be removed is that directly associated with a subsystem that can legally be removed. Yes, there’s a lot of wiring in the car, but most of it has to remain.