NASA SE Race at Roebling Road for $75


Scott McMennamy wrote:

golf cart racing!? :woohoo:[/quote]

You would be beaten and thrown out the gate by the angry RR lady-monster.


I think everyone really would like to see a final drink off between the MLT and BT guys for the final ‘real’ championship of the year.

Maybe a dual contest that combines Sat. night drinking with Sunday race finishing order.


Can anyone say Tow Vehicle Challenge???


Jim Robinson wrote:

[quote]I think everyone really would like to see a final drink off between the MLT and BT guys for the final ‘real’ championship of the year.

Maybe a dual contest that combines Sat. night drinking with Sunday race finishing order.[/quote]

MLT wins that race. I’m not going to try to out drink them… any more :S

(maybe just a little)


So Robert, what does Sunday’s schedule look like? Last race time? Thanks, Ed


Ed Davidson wrote:

Usually the schedule comes out Wednesday before the event. Traditionally, they get the race groups done pretty early on Sunday.


FWIW: Chuck said this race is [size=4]BACK ON![/size]

Davidson’s… now you gotta make it. The extra race will be Saturday and Sundays race will end early enough that you guys can get on the road at a decent time. I’ll help you load up.