Hub-Centric Rings for Konig Rewind Wheels


Does anyone know what size centering rings I need for the Konig wheels and where to purchase them?



Steve, Konig sent mine with the wheels at no additional charge.


+1 Konig sent mine also.



has metal ones if you end up needing to buy them.


I bought some plastic ones at a local tire store for around $20. Also, that way if you happen to get the wrong size you can take them back and exchange/refund.


I talked to Scott from Konig, the deal with the rings is if they have them in stock they’ll throw them in if not, that’s the way it goes. Also I believe they throw the plastic ones in (that’s what my friend got from them). No real rhyme or reason to it, but mine came without also, I source mine from discount tire direct (their ebay store) for like $15.