Hi, I'm Interested in this class - CA Racing?



I just joined this forum and wanted to introduce myself. I just got my GrassRoots Motorsports issue this weekend and I saw the article about your class.

I currrently run a Spec Racer Ford in San Francisco Region of the SCCA (second year). This sounds like an interesting class, and from the article it seems like it values the things I enjoy most about SRF racing.

I’ve not done any NASA competition, and I was curious about the class and who is competing out here in Northern California, and racing in NASA.

Any information folks could provide would be welcome.


Doug Johnson


dwjohn wrote:


I just joined this forum and wanted to introduce myself. I just got my GrassRoots Motorsports issue this weekend and I saw the article about your class.

I currrently run a Spec Racer Ford in San Francisco Region of the SCCA (second year). This sounds like an interesting class, and from the article it seems like it values the things I enjoy most about SRF racing.

I’ve not done any NASA competition, and I was curious about the class and who is competing out here in Northern California, and racing in NASA.

Any information folks could provide would be welcome.


Doug Johnson
650-355-6913[/quote] Welcome to the board… The Norcal region of NASA is pretty active with events, Spec E30 is beginning to grow there. There are a few built cars so far and I am sure those guys will chime in here and welcome you too.


I’ve just completed a Spec E30 candidate/HPDE car. The engine, drive line, and suspension is complete. The interior has been removed but it still has stock seats and belts. All it needs is a cage, seats & harness, and cutoff/fire. I’ll have it at Buttonwillow this weekend if anyone would like to see. It’s for sale too.



Hi Doug,

and welcome. SpecE30 in CA is gaining momentum and taking off so it’s an excellent time to get involved. There are a little more then handful of cars already built, and much more currently in process (including mine). This November was first NorCal SpecE30 race, with 4 cars running, and it was exciting. Next season’s field should be much bigger. I am sure the rest of the CA guys will introduce themselves – please don’t hesitate to ask any questions…from rule clarifications to local shop resources and anything in-between. If you have any questions / want to talk you can give me a call at : same area code as yours - two zero seven – three two zero three.



robh wrote:

[quote]I’ll have it at Buttonwillow this weekend if anyone would like to see. It’s for sale too.


Hey Rob, I’ll be there, too. I’ll be driving a white and red Spec Miata. What color is your car? I’ll try to find ya’.



I’ll be there with a buddy. We have two E30’s, both red. One with a white set of stripes and one with a charcol metallic set. Look for the big silver enclosed trailer and the 2 E30’s. I’d love to see the Miata too. I got back into cars a few years ago with a Miata and I have had at least one garage queen ever since.


Are you heading to BW? I think some of the NorCal folks come down there too?



Thanks for all the replies to my post fellows. Igor, I’ll give you a call!

I won’t be at Buttonwillow, but my friend who races with me and I were planning to come to Thunderhill on the 11th. Is anyone planning to be at that event? I’d love to get a chance to meet and talk more about the car and the class.




I will most likely be at thunderhill on the 11th with my partially built car doing HPDE. Is anyone else planning on coming up there?


I will be at thunderhill on the 11th.
Maybe on October 26th as well(mid week madness…)
I am currently building a spec e30 in my spare time.
Red and Black 1991 325i #804
Plenty of flair.
I currently enter in HPDE 4 and run as much as i can.
I haven’t seen to many spec e30 in the last eight months or so in Northern Ca, but am allways looking for track friends to race…
NASA seems to be quite the group for friends.


motormuncher wrote:

I will be at thunderhill on the 11th.
Maybe on October 26th as well(mid week madness…)
I am currently building a spec e30 in my spare time.
Red and Black 1991 325i #804
Plenty of flair.
I currently enter in HPDE 4 and run as much as i can.
I haven’t seen to many spec e30 in the last eight months or so in Northern Ca, but am allways looking for track friends to race…
NASA seems to be quite the group for friends.[/quote]

Hello everyone,

Just joined the forum and wanted to introduce myself.

I am currently doing NASA HPDE 3 and was really considering getting a spec miata for 2007, until I saw how popular E30 is becoming. Got my issue of Grassroots too :). I liked the car ever since I was in school, but never got a chance to own one. Now I am seriously considering preparing one for 2007.


I think I saw your car many times at Infineon and Thunderhill. I am always trying to spot E30s, I think they are very cool. If I remember correctly I think I followed your car for a while, back in August at Thunderhill event in Group 1&2. I think back then car had stock suspension and lots of body roll. I usually drive either red jetta 1.8t or grey ford focus, both with euro plates in front.

I should be attending both Oct 26th and November 11th events, so I’ll try to find you in the paddocks.

Nice meeting everyone, I’ll go search the forums and google the web. I have thousands questions about E30, what year, how much, which shops in norcal can help…etc.

Thank you!


NASA rules mandate SFI-5/3A fire proof panties for spec miata drivers:)


brain wrote:

I had to read that twice to make sure I read it right!!

A suggestion to you guys that are thinking of building cars on the west coast - last I’d heard Mike Mills has two already-built spec cars available for rent (if you want to try one out for a weekend HPDE or race) or sale (if you’d rather race NOW rather than waiting to build your own - which seems to be taking quite a while these days :blink: ). Rob also has a car 90% done for sale also, I believe. Not bad options…

I’m not going to make it to Buttonwillow this weekend, but will likely be there in November. Hope to see some of the CA guys there!!



brain wrote:

Thems is fightin’ werds, mister!!!

Ah, hell, maybe you’re right. :frowning:


uh60fixer wrote:

[quote]brain wrote:

Thems is fightin’ werds, mister!!!

Ah, hell, maybe you’re right. :([/quote]
Good thing Brain flys a PLANE not a Choppa


motormuncher wrote:

I will be at thunderhill on the 11th.
Maybe on October 26th as well(mid week madness…)
I am currently building a spec e30 in my spare time.
Red and Black 1991 325i #804
Plenty of flair.
I currently enter in HPDE 4 and run as much as i can.
I haven’t seen to many spec e30 in the last eight months or so in Northern Ca, but am allways looking for track friends to race…
NASA seems to be quite the group for friends.[/quote]

Thanks! Dan and I will plan on being up there on Saturday and we’ll look you up. It will be interesting being at TH and not at an SCCA event! I appreciate your comment about friends - that’s probably one of the biggest sources of pleasure I get out of racing Spec Racer Fords - it’s a very close, friendly group, with good competition out on track. Getting together at the track on a race weekend is like a family reunion. That to me is a big part of the club racing experience. I’l look forward to meeting you!


vitoal18t wrote:

[quote]motormuncher wrote:


Nice meeting everyone, I’ll go search the forums and google the web. I have thousands questions about E30, what year, how much, which shops in norcal can help…etc.

Thank you!

Vito, I am pretty new but have been building my spec e30 since the summer and plan to try and be in the action by end of next summer (more HPDE and schools), and there are quite a few other cars being built in NorCal.

Regarding your question of shops that can help, I can suggest from experience Walter @ Valley Motorwerks in Sacramento area is really supporting the series and is building a car himself, and closer to east bay area I have had a lot of help from Erik @ Edge Motorworks in Dublin.



West Coast Guys:

It’s good to see that Spec E30 is picking up a little steam out there. If you keep it up, Skip, Carlton, and I might have to make the cross-country trip to race with you.




Carter wrote:

[quote]West Coast Guys:

It’s good to see that Spec E30 is picking up a little steam out there. If you keep it up, Skip, Carlton, and I might have to make the cross-country trip to race with you.


That should be a pleasure, to have the series founders racing with us.
I’m considering Rob’s car since it’s pretty much complete and don’t have much time to build a car from scratch.
I just finished my Driving Concept school last weekend, and I need to apply for provisional license. I won’t be able to make it to BW for 11/11.
I’d like to start the season next March at Cali Speedway.
How many cars were at BW racing Spec E30? Do they race together with BMW CCA?


Carter wrote:

[quote]West Coast Guys:

It’s good to see that Spec E30 is picking up a little steam out there. If you keep it up, Skip, Carlton, and I might have to make the cross-country trip to race with you.



Here’s the tentative Norcal schedule.

Start planning your vacations.




Here’s Socal:
Feb 10/11- Willow Springs
March 16-18- California Speedway
April 14/15- Buttonwillow
May 5/6- Willow Springs
June 9/10- Buttonwillow
July 7/8- Willow Springs
Aug 11/12- Willow Springs
Sept 13-16- Mid Ohio National Championship Event
Oct 13/14- Buttonwillow
Nov 10/11- Buttonwillow
I need to get me a car soon, very soon.
Anybody wants to buy my Jetski?