Hex and Torx Bits


Is there a list somewhere about the sizes of Hex and Torx bits needed for various jobs. Currently removing the tranny and believe there are two different sized Torx(input on sizes needed if possible?) bits needed and the 17mm diff hex for drain plug. Better to buy complete sets of each or the individual bits?



i always buy complete sets and not peicemeal. you need an E12 (external torx) or T55 for the camshaft sprocket. I’ve seen both. I’ve been told hex bolts have been used too. You need E sockets for the head bolts too.


I bought a set of torx bits and large hex bits for those bolts from Sears. It is worth getting a set of 4 or 5 versus buying individual. I think each set will run you $30 to $40 from Sears though. If you wanna save money go with some cheapies from your local auto parts store.


Go to Harbor Freight…

$5.99 and everything you need for the tranny mounting bolts (NOT the drain/fill):


They also used to have a hex socket kit that had the 17mm included, but I don’t see it on their site now. For non-regular tools like these you really can’t beat HF!