Rigmaster wrote:
[quote]joedapro wrote:
[quote]So it seems, a man cant speak his opinion in this country, without being lynched by the majority. Did not mean to upset you racers. Just seems to me, that more attention should be focused on the racers, and less on the ametuer gearheads. I thought GRM was a motorsports publication. The spec e-30 racers are true grassroots sportsmen. To win a race, let alone a championship, in NASA, BMW CCA, SCCA, etc, is a
testament to the dedication and sacrifice you guys make. I apologise if I offended any of you. That was not my intention. I just feel more coverage should be merited to true racers, and less to the shade tree mcguyvers,bolting v-8s into 300 zxs, in the name of motorsports. I stand behind my convictions, and will not waiver. I do however admit, my criticisms were a little too harsh. For that, and only for that, I
sincerely apologise to GRM and anyone else, whose feathers I may have ruffled. joe[/quote]
No ruffled feathers here.
It’s just that you came across as a complete douche, which I imagine you are not.
It’s Grassroots Motorsport Magazine, NOT BMW Club Racing Results Magazine. I like the diverse coverage they provide, and I really do think they do a fantastic job. If it was 100% race coverage and results, I for one would not read it.
I understand you want to spread the word about the car you maintain and your driver, but why not complain that Road and Track or Car and Driver didn’t post the results?
Party on dudes.[/quote]Both of those mags, are next on my list! just kidding.LOL. I guess, all things being equal, they do provide a pretty decent reader. Maybe they might consider this thread, I started, a suggestion for a new monthly feature, like racer of the week, from different classes, across sanctioning bodies, as voted on by website poll, or something like that. Again, Im just one person with my own opinion. The beauty of being an American, is partly due to that freedom to express ones opinion. Although, I admit, I should have chosen my words more carefully. Hell, I dont even have a bird! I hate birds! Do birds have a forum board page?