I was in a police station this afternoon and I almost blew up.
I am entirely cool with cops. They are the good guys that stand between us and the bad guys. If the chips were down I’d cover a downed cop and put rounds down range until I could either get him clear or I went down. I wouldn’t think twice about it. He’s a cop, he’s one of the good guys, and I’d help as best I could.
I bought a used truck 2 weeks ago. Seller had to pay off the lien so the title was supposed to get mailed to me.
I got home last night at the usual time. I checked the mail and found that the title had arrived. What I didn’t realize is at that very minute a cop was outside writing me a $50 parking ticket for no license plate.
I saw the ticket in the morning.
Armed with the title I registered the truck this afternoon. Then I went to one of the local police stations. I showed a police officer the post marked envelope that shows when the title was sent to me, and my new registration. To my surprise he is entirely unsympathetic. My truck didn’t have a tag on it and that’s all that matters. So what if there’s supposed to be 30 days grace, so what if I couldn’t possibly have registered it until the next day. No slack, no help, it’s like talking to a wall.
I f**king couldn’t believe it.
Cop: "Was there a tag on the truck?"
Me: “No”.
Cop: “Then what is the issue”?
Me: "But I couldn’t possibly have put a tag on the truck yet"
Cop: Was there a tag on the truck?"
Me: “No”.
Cop: “Then what is the issue?”
So he looked at me and I looked at him. And I just said “ok”, and he turned and walked away.
I’m still seething over it. I can’t believe I didn’t drag him into the precinct CPT’s office. I’d a taken a bullet for the sonofabitch and he can’t be bothered enough to genuinely help.
Later I called the downtown precinct and they suggested I call the parking office. The parking dept was perfectly happy to fix it. All the sonofabitch needed to have done was tell me to call the parking dept, or god forbid, help me do it.