As we have said many, many times, we are not going to change the rules because of this specific small part, or that specific small part. When we were building the original set of rules, I would have become rich if I had received a dollar for every time someone asked about some part on the car.
The parts you are referring to are not inherantly problem pieces so we’ll leave the Rules as they are.
As we have said from the beginning, we will only change the Rules when we discover a gross error, or when several drivers find something that needs attention. In the 2006 Rules, there are a few changes for the group, that were asked about by several drivers over a racing season.
As with man others who have built cars, you guys will discover things that you want to change, and that make sense to you. However, we have to keep the Rules stable and cannot start a "change this and change that" situation. For sure, many other racing series have gone down this path and have lived to regret it.
I understand your wanting to make these changes but we are going to stick to the plan that has worked so well.
And as we have also always said, feel free to bring up any idea. You might not like or agree with the answer but we are always open to a discussion.