WTB - Shifter assembly bits


Tried to post this in the classfieds and got a little stumped by all the fields that needed to be filled in oriented to a selling ad.

I need everything from the hand to the tranny. Brackets, clips, bolts, all of it. Knob actually not needed. Everything else would be great. If you have a tranny and the shifter and you don’t want to separate, I may take the whole setup as I don’t have a spare tranny yet.

You can contact me at rog556 at gmail dot com
Or respond here or PM me.

This is to assist with the project of rebuilding this rolling chassis that was stripped of everything, and I do mean everything, but enough to hold wheels on. I have to find the hardware, the brackets, all kinds of fiddly bits.



BTW - I am in NorCal - San Jose specfiically.


Just sent you a PM.