I just looked at the entry list for CMP and only 5 people have signed up. Two of which are my son and I. Is it that CMP is not a desirable track? Increase entry fees? Just curious. I debated myself and am really debating now that I see only 5.
Why so few entrants at CMP?
John Clark just confirmed, he’s going. Issa and Stoops are out, wedding and family commitments. Trying to get Hector out there.
I will be there to give you and Ryan some good competition.
Are you driving on Friday with Palmetto?
Great to hear Paul!!! We had some tough battles last year at CMP. Happy to see some numbers.
But no, we will arrive friday night, too much work.
CMP is a lot of fun, c’mon peeps!
Watch out for Laura, she is real good at this track!
[quote=“lpatton13” post=76895]Everyone is just afraid I’ll beat up on them too much at CMP!!! ;)[/quote]true…that’s why I stopped going…always getting beat up on!
Bring your wife and kids.
My wife and 3 boys are coming with me to CMP. Is quite unprecedented. The boys will spend the weekend on CMP’s rental karts. If you do multiple sessions in a rental they give you a big break in the rental cost so it doesn’t add up to that much.
CMP doesn’t have karts sized for kids. The best they can do is to put a back-pad in the seat to extend the reach of the feet. A tall 4th grader is about the threshold for being big enough for the rental karts.
I’ll be there one of the days, but most likely Saturday. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
My main objective is to sit in everyones seat as I am seat shopping. I’ll bring donuts, beer or something for bribery.
I actually was man, really! have missed hanging out with you! Stay for the Saturday night shenanigans! :woohoo:
I’m in, and it’s on. Looking forward to seeing you guys there. Who’s bringing the badminton net?
I’ll bring your wheel bearing, thanks again. Also, found both control arm bushings torn after VIR. Guess I have some work to do before this weekend.
Woohoo, weather is looking to be perfect. The rain tires will stay at home.
[quote=“horched” post=76960]I’ll bring your wheel bearing, thanks again. Also, found both control arm bushings torn after VIR. Guess I have some work to do before this weekend.
Colin, wasn’t that you that ended up with my jumper cables last year?