Which Year to buy


So I am gong to start looking for a donor car for a Spec E30 build and then sell my E30 ITS car. My ITS car is an '89 and has the plastic bumpers and larger fuel tank. I did not read where we can install the larger tank into the older cars so I assume we can not do this. I want a 2 door car with larger fuel tank and want to get the al bumpers. Is there such a beast? In short, what are the advantages or disadvantages of the different years of the E30?


Michael O.
Catlettsburg, KY - Anyone close?


Here is a link to a site that explains some of the main differences in e30 models. There really is no difference in the models that would matter to someone building a Spec E30 race car. Anything from 1987 to 1991 would be fine provided the car is a manual drive with LSD. Coupes are harder to come by than sedans and usually bring a bigger price tag.


Here a another useful site with lots of e30 info:


Good luck finding your car!


Michael, your’e going to love racing with the spec e 30 crowd. It’s boring here this PM. Call if you’d like to discuss cars as I’ve built three of them. 800-755-1715 Regards, Robert Patton


The aluminum bumpers are a pain in the ass. BMW no longer manufacturers or sells tow eyes for them, they’re heavy and they’re a real pain in the ass to remove and/or reinstall (except for the '88 bumpers, which are slightly easier to remove and reinstall).

The early fuel tanks also have a major disadvantage in that the pump pickup can go dry with 1/3 of a tank in the car in hard right-handers.(Swapping tanks isn’t legal – I asked back in Feb after seeing the fuel gauge pegged at [color=#FF0000]E[/color] through hogpen and then magically recover to 1/3 in the pit lane.)

325iS cars command a premium due to all the factory extras that you’re going to have to pull out anyway – it’s probably more frugal to buy an "i" and install an LSD ($40 or so) with the Z3-M finned cover.

Post edited by: sharkd, at: 2006/08/18 15:42



Where is Cattletsburg? Is it near Ashland?

I am near Covington - right on the river across from Cincinnati.

As for choices, I have a 90 325i with the plastic bumpers. Its a 4-door, and luckily it has the LSD in it already. I am slowly building it for a late '07 or early '08 coming out party.

Having dealt with both plastic bumpered and "diving board" cars, I suggest you try to get a plastic one for some of the reasons above - easier to remove/replace bumpers, and the fuel tank/pump issue.

I know of a couple of 88 325is candidates near me - they have the smaller aluminum bumpers, and i THINK have the newer fuel tanks (someone correct me if I am wrong). One is a snapped timing belt car, the other is just a little rough cosmetically.




I guess I better get looking!..Mike let me know what year/color you want and I will hopefully find it, being a licensed dealer I can axcess the inventories of a lot of auction pools.I have a feeling spec e30 in 2007 is going to be something, maybe I can get Bradyhouse to take his son’s car and build one…




Yes, Ashland. Maybe we can get together and build together. I have lots of experience and tools and parts and etc. Tell me about the cars available.

Al, I will call at 5:15 as requested. I have to head over to the shop and unload the ITS car and start replacing the front wheel bearing that went out bad during the race. Cost me 1st to 4th.

Michael O.


ilateapex wrote:

the ITS car and start replacing the front wheel bearing that went out bad during the race. Cost me 1st to 4th.

Michael O.[/quote]

Was wondering what happened to you on Sunday. It is great that you are going to come aboard! I enjoyed the brief time I followed you (1/2 a lap at the most).



where can you get an LSD for $40?

sharkd wrote:

325iS cars command a premium due to all the factory extras that you’re going to have to pull out anyway – it’s probably more frugal to buy an "i" and install an LSD ($40 or so) with the Z3-M finned cover.[/quote]


leggwork wrote:

[quote]where can you get an LSD for $40?

sharkd wrote:

325iS cars command a premium due to all the factory extras that you’re going to have to pull out anyway – it’s probably more frugal to buy an "i" and install an LSD ($40 or so) with the Z3-M finned cover.[/quote][/quote] some wrecking yards have one price for any Diff…Harry’s U pull it near Allentown PA used to do that. or crazy sales like 50.00 all you can carry by hand in one trip.


Not around here for $40 or $50. I wish. :laugh:

Still, even if you pay 250 or so for a used one, you’d need to blow 5 or 6 of them before it equalled the price of a rebuilt one.


leggwork wrote:

I think you’ll have to go up to Boulder. Oh, not that LSD. Nevermind.:blink:

  • Alain

    Post edited by: ajvdh, at: 2006/08/18 22:10