Which ECUs?


I thought only the 173 ECUs had the higher top speed limiter but after reading through the LONG Vir thread, I saw this comment by Vic:

Are there other ECU options beside the 173 that will be OK for top speed?


Also read on E30tech:
“88-91 cars have a top speed limiter at 125mph. The speed signal wire is pin 14 of the C101 fusebox connector. If you want to bypass it for some reason then you can pull pin 14 out of the engine side of the C101 connector, should be a white and black wire, fold it back over itself and tape it up.”

Is that a valid option? any negative effects to doing this? Seems like it would save people money trying to buy the “right” ecu.


jlucas wrote:

153 is good too.


Yeah! checked tonight. 153