wheel help


hi guys, still slowly assembling my car but i have 2 questions. first, what is the requirement for a fire extinguisher ( 2lb, 2 1/2lb ) ? second, what is the offset for the 15x7 wheels? the rules on this appear vague to me due to the fact that i don’t know what +/- 5mm track is. and i do not know what the stock offset is. i also have heard that the 14x6 basket weave wheel ( which were stock on my car and i planned to keep for rains ) is not legal, is this true? sorry to drag this out but i need to know what is legal on wheels so i can shop and so that i don’t spend money on something i cannot use.
thanks in advance, don forrester. B)


Stock Wheels are of course alright. Aftermarket options can be narrowed down to 2 candidates.

  1. Bimmerworld Team Dymamics (type 1 or 2) Both are hubcentric with no spacers or centering rings required.
  2. Koesi 5 spoke. Tire rack carries them. This wheel requires centering rings.

Backspacing usually runs between et24 and et29. This will keep you well within the 5mm track rule

Of course this is by no means an exclusive list…hope this helps

As for the fire extinquisher check the NASA CCR’s the rule is in there.

Post edited by: brain, at: 2005/10/12 20:11

Post edited by: brain, at: 2005/10/12 20:11