What gets tech'd at tech inspection?


I am cutting it tight to get my car done before the race at Road Atlanta. I have some maintenance stuff that I can push off toward the end but I wanted to make sure that I got everything done needed to get my log book so I can make my appointment.

So with all of that said, what do they look at when they tech your car to give you a log book? Saftey gear (cage, seat, battery, cut-off, steering lock)? So for instance if I have very bad rotors on the car and low pads, do they really care?

Thanks for the insight.


They check it all. You should have the tech form filled out when you get there.

Show up with you car ready to race. Don’t wait to finish the car at the track. If you’re doing the Comp School… You’re not going to have much time to tinker.


I may have not been clear about what I meant. I don’t have a log book yet, so I am talking about the annual tech inspection. I definitely plan to have the car ready to rock before I get to the track.


Just get your annual tech and logbook inspection done at the track. That’s what I did.

If you really want to do it ahead of time, I don’t think they’ll check rotor wear, but it can be a pretty thorough inspection. You never know how in depth it will be as it changes at different events.


I was not aware that you could do it at the track. That actually may make this a lot more feasible. Many thanks for the help.


You can tech it at the track, but for a logbook, I would definitely have it done beforehand. They will still issue a logbook even if there are minor things that still need to be done. Those items will be noted in the logbook to be corrected before your first race. For a fresh build, it definitely is worth it to do annual tech beforehand. You don’t want to be told on raceday that you have to fix something that isn’t fixable on site.


Catsailor and I had our first car tech’ed at CMP last race. We arrived at the track and still had afew things to do. Got there early in the day, did the work, tech’ed before closing on Friday night and got the log book and annual inspection done. Tom (Catsailor) did Comp school on Sat. I did HPDE2 on Sat. He raced Sunday and I did school. It wasn’t crazy or difficult.

You can do it, especially if you’ve done your homework and have some help. Tom did ALOT of research and asked ALOT of questions before we arrived at the track on Friday afternoon. We knew EXACTLY what needed to be done, but even with that we were not 100% sure we’d get log books or the car would race!

Work hard, ask alot of questions and be ready for anything!


traqrat’s plan sounds less anxiety-provoking


thbrewst wrote:

Here in the SE, they primarily focus on safety aspects of the car with respect to the NASA CCR… As long as you have the car ready to race, it shouldn’t be a problem taking it to the track and having the Annual tech done there. That is how my car was tech’d for its first race weekend.


kchildre wrote:

[quote]thbrewst wrote:

Here in the SE, they primarily focus on safety aspects of the car with respect to the NASA CCR… As long as you have the car ready to race, it shouldn’t be a problem taking it to the track and having the Annual tech done there. That is how my car was tech’d for its first race weekend.[/quote]In The MA region, tech is for safety compliance only. Car must meet the CCR. Class compliance is up to the competitors to police.