What clutch are you running??


I remember years ago when I was building my car that most everyone was just using the stock sachs replacement clutch kits. I need to replace my clutch so what is the consensus today about clutches, what are you using?


SPEC stage 1. I’ve been castigated for buying the lowest performance model but if you look at the torque specs each of the stages is designed for you’ll find SPEC thinks the stage 1 is more than adequate for an SE30.



interested as well…




I’ve got the Spec stage 4, aluminum core pressure plate, and 3 puck unsprung disk. Can’t wait to try it out!


I’ve used 5 different kinds of clutch from OEM to expensive. With one exception they all worked fine and altho they didn’t all feel exactly the same, there wasn’t enough difference between them to care about. The one exception was when I tried to be tricky and use a lightweight clutch. That started me on a 4 day odyssey where I R/R’d my tranny 5x trying to get the damned thing to work. I missed an event because of that. It’ll be a while before I try a lightweight clutch again.

IMO the OEM clutch is cheap and reliable.