[quote=“mcmmotorsports” post=69663]Dood, what gives…you make a statement, I clarify your statement, you think I am looking for a snotty response?
Sometimes I really do like to be helpful without being a wise ass.[/quote]
Neutral “clarification” would be something along the lines of…“are you sure of the VIR dates, I thought it was still tentative”. Since it was phrased neutrally one would be cut some slack for failing to simply go to the MidAtl website and checking before typing.
Snotty is when you say “Actually…”. In the snotty example you get cut no slack for failing to go to the MidAtl website and checking before typing.
There may be a cultural difference at work to tho, I admit. I get the impression that “Good morning” in the South translates in NJ to something coarse like “Does yo mama still call my name at night”. We’re “sensitive” down here.