Value of bottlecap wheels?


It seems that the market for used 14x6 bottlecap wheels is pretty soft. Has anyone actually sold a set of these recently? I am afraid that they are worth more as scrap aluminum at the recycler. I can get $.75/pound for them. I figure thats around $45.

Any thoughts?


Ken - I had 14 of them about a year ago. Sold one set of 4 for $125 + shipping. Am keeping the remainder for rains and putting on the car for storage to keep from flat spotting race tires between events.


25 a piece for straight ones seems right…


Sean and I struck a deal for $80 for a set. They’re straight, good wheels, so our transaction seems a reasonable barometer.



I can get 12.00 each at the scrapyard


I agree. I sold my wheels with used RA-1s with a few sessions left.


nasaregistrar wrote:

Not bad, we are only getting around $6-$8 here. $.45/lb.

Are the 6.5’s worth any more? If not, I am going to keep mine just to let the car sit on them in between events. It’s not worth $50 to unmount the tire and take them to the recycler.


erupert66 wrote:

[quote]nasaregistrar wrote:

Not bad, we are only getting around $6-$8 here. $.45/lb.

Are the 6.5’s worth any more? If not, I am going to keep mine just to let the car sit on them in between events. It’s not worth $50 to unmount the tire and take them to the recycler.[/quote] They pay flate rate for wheels. Used weaves that are nice can sell for up to 150.00 a set


I agree with ~$25 per bottlecap IF they are straight. You might be surprised at how many of them seem to be bent- even though they appear to be OK with a visual inspection.

For those of you with spare basketweave wheels, I’d say they’re worth ~$35-50 each for just the wheel, depending on condition and don’t forget about the basketweave caps- they are easily worth ~$20-25 EACH provided all of the tabs are intact.



Just sold a set of 5 very nice bottlecaps with somewhat worn tires for $260. :slight_smile:


Man, I wish we could race on those…would be great instead of some of the afternmarket stuff out there…never seen a bottle cap wheel break.



I bought a set last year from another racer with some full tread RA1’s to use as rains. Course the tires are old, but I keep them around for rollers if nothing else.

Does anyone have any 14" RA1’s floating around they want to sell? I may grab some spares just in case my RR budget is low for next season…


Just hauled some to scrap and got about $10 each…


I have some used 14" RA1s for sale. Probably not worth shipping them to OR though…
