From Carlton…
I also saw a red later-model E30 for sale just off Interstate 85 near Burlington, NC.
From Carlton…
I also saw a red later-model E30 for sale just off Interstate 85 near Burlington, NC.
Carter wrote:
I also saw a red later-model E30 for sale just off Interstate 85 near Burlington, NC.
JP, is that your car?
If not, Carter, where’d you see it?
I saw it on right side of I-85, as we were heading south. I can’t remember the nearest exit but I remember it was in the Burlington area.
Nope, not mine. However, I do have a candidate car (the red one) that will be for sale very shortly.
1990 325is with many nice maintenance items squared away and with Bilstein Sports and Eibach springs. . . . .
I’ll list it as soon as my new company buys me a truck!
I came across another potential car if someone is willing to travel or have it shipped. The car is in IL.
My red 1989 325i race car is for sale. Yes… it’s the one that was rolled at Summit Point Sept 2005. Lots and lots of parts, engine, suspension, etc can be used. The damage is to the roof and right side. I will post details later in the classifieds.
If you want details sooner email me