Toyo Race Tires


Where is the best place to get these? It looks like Tom will be racing our car stating in Feb. at CMP and we need to get at least one set for our bottlecaps.

Shaved or unshaved?


As someone who’s only run on unshaved tires… I say go with the shaved. It takes a while for the unshaved RA1’s to get grippy.

you might try


if there is a tire shop that services the races in your region, it is good to give them first shot at your business. A local racer-friendly place in Boulder, CO sells them for $129 mounted and balanced (but not shaved). (phoenix) has 15’s for $116/tire but you have to also pay shipping, mounting and balancing.

europartsnet (houston) has 15’s for $114.79/tire and they have a 5% rebate coupon on their site on your first purchase.


jhall1957 wrote:

[quote]Where is the best place to get these? It looks like Tom will be racing our car stating in Feb. at CMP and we need to get at least one set for our bottlecaps.

Shaved or unshaved?[/quote]


There are always deals out there on the Toyos. The problem comes with shaving. These tires are quickest when shaved and if you buy them for a cheap price somewhere unshaved you are going to pay in the end. probably more because you will more than likely have to ship them off somwehere to get them shaved. I ran into this problem earlier this year. Luckily the trackside tire support brought me a set of shaved tires and swapped me out for my unshaven ones.


Who does Track side tire support in SE?




How much shaving? Heat cycled anyone? Nobody gets them from Tire Rack?


Tire Rack does not carry Toyos. I’ve never paid for heat cycling, & wouldn’t see the need. I think the shop I get tires from shaves them to 4/32nd.


Tire Rack does not carry Toyos. I’ve never paid for heat cycling, & wouldn’t see the need. I think the shop I get tires from shaves them to 4/32nd.


Appalacian race tire ( is a good source in the Southeast. They shave at requested depth- 3 or 4/32 - and get tires to you within a few days, in my brief expeience over the last yeat.



Appalachian was always good to me…


Ric, how difficult is it to watch the fun that the fellow racers are having? Sell the BOAT. Let’s go racing. Regards, Robert Patton


I just want to double check.
The Spec Miata tyre is the same size as our tyre, correct? 250/50/15.
How much are they from Appalachian?
Aim is $140 shaved.


Beto - where are you at? Vegas right? You may want to try to strike a deal with a local shop. I get 205 Toyos from a local spec miata shop in San Diego for $120 shaved. I would think with a two tracks in your area there would be a shop or two that might be willing to work something out with you.


Patton wrote:

It is tough, especially since it is such a good group of guys racing…But I have my street E30. (have I told you much I LOVE the 318 with the M42 motor? Can’t wait to see one race)

The wife and kids love the boat…and it would be hard to take them for a long cruise on the spec e30.

So when they are older I will be back. I’d love to be a father son team one day, bu tmy 13 year old is looking like a baseball/ball sports guy and no interest in cars.

I still look for cars constantly and pass tips on to people if I don’t move on them.

I also got my old BMW airhead R80 running. Stopped riding about the time I started doing track days. Good to ride motorcycles again.

Plus I need to hire another salesperson, bought my own building for my office and my budget for FUN is zippo right now. (Well, after the boat, the motorcycle and my wifes horse…there is NADA left…so no one cry for me…)

Any and all of you are welcome to come sailing one day. Just let me know and we will work out a time.


P.S. Andiamo = Italian for "Let’s go!"


Here’s a link to that has some good info about Toyo RA-1s…it’s called:

"The Care and Feeding of Your Toyo RA-1 D.O.T. High Performance Tires".

Scott Neville
NorCal GTI-Cup
Future NorCal SpecE30?


sneville44 wrote:

[quote]Here’s a link to that has some good info about Toyo RA-1s…it’s called:

"The Care and Feeding of Your Toyo RA-1 D.O.T. High Performance Tires".

Scott Neville
NorCal GTI-Cup
Future NorCal SpecE30?[/quote]

I found it interesting that they said to lower the pressures 5 psi for the rain that seems opposite to what I would expect, I usually raise them for the rain. Thoughts? Comments?


I was also surprised that they rcommend 38-42 psi, considering this in on a spec miata site - the spec miata guys I’ve talked to aim for 33-35 hot due to the lighter weight of the car. Personally, I try to aim for 36-38 hot. Hmmm…:unsure: