Steve is a driver. He holds the ITS track record at one of the southeast tracks…but I can’t remember which one.
Steve: I suggest having the car chassis dynoed at a local place, with another E30 there. I know we’re a few hours drive, up here in Raleigh, but you’re welcome to use my car for comparison next time your in this area. My car is usually just a bit above the average output of the cars we dyno (in a range of about 7 hp) so it’s a good car to use in a test.
I’m happy to give you my dyno numbers but while we’ve seen the cars fall in about the same spot in the range compared to others being dynoed that day, we’ve seen the actual output numbers vary among the different chassis dynos.
I don’t know about having a dyno at Road Atlanta but we’ll be weighing cars for sure.
And you might consider getting one of the in-car dyno units, or barrow one from someone. I’ll be glad to let you try it on my car too.