Mechanically and safety equipment wise, my car is 95% there. I still
have to install my fire supression and do my timing belt and water pump.
It’s now time to paint the car. I’ve gotten estimates for a high end base/clear
job and also considered the MAACO special. I’ve been given free use of
a paint booth at a body shop, so I’ve decided to do it myself. It should be fun
and if I mess something up, well hey it’s a race car. I’ll also learn a lot in the
process. I’ve done everything else myself (except the cage) so I might as well
paint it too.
I’ve got 110 hours in my car so far so I’m guessing that I’ve got at least 30-50
more to go. I was hoping to debut my car at Rockingham in Oct., but I’m
guessing that it will not be complete by then.
I’m open to any advice on paint if anyone has any they would like to give.
I’m planning on doing a 1 step paint rather than a base/clear.