ThunderHill 1-8-12


Any one going??

Sunny temp in the low 70’s :slight_smile:


I’m in!


pops and i will be there for a shake down before the AORR on the 28th


I’ll be there and Scoot N will be too.


I’m out. :frowning:
Both cars getting body work, and I haven’t even gotten the transmission back in from the tear down at the last race. I think I need to get busy this weekend.


Scratch me, I’m out. Went to do an oil change and the oil looks like metalic gold paint.


Brad don’t sweat it! Take your time and make sure everything is perfect! Get the body on those cars cherry! Didn’t you hear the new rules? Top 5 finishers last year in the points get a recess, and are not required to show up until April. So see you then. :slight_smile:


Skill or lucky?


Dam i love those series, BTCC is awesome.