I am back at the world headquarters of Scuderia Gonzo Alonzo (eastern branch) after my 2 month sabbatical in Colorado. One of my major concerns, besides maybe someone carting off all my valueable e30 parts, is the welfare of my cat, Rufus Parnelli Jones. It seems that in my absense, he thought it would be a good idea to knaw the head off every rodent at the farm(and one bird) and deposit those heads in my bedroom.
Luckily my dad was visiting today and he helped me move all the furniture out and pull up all the carpeting and padding. We kept finding heads as we moved the furniture. I should have shellaced them and made a collage or diaroma. The best one was the bird head complete with beak. It was in my closet, appearently he was batting it around the room and it went under the door.
Rufus is fine, except he seems to be concerned about my beard… like JP and Canterbury.
Ps, Skeen, I was at VIR yesterday…