The cage is done!


Picked up my car from the cage builder today and fabbed some mounts for the window net this afternoon. This is the first design I’ve seen with a dash bar that doesn’t affect the defroster; it’ll require some extensive trimming of the dash below the instrument cluster, but I think it will work out. I’ll let you know how the dash install goes.

The pics:


Congrats - looks nice !



Looks like a well designed cage. Who did the work? It looks a lot like the cage that Steven Cantebury had built. I really like the seat mount being tied into the cage. I am curious how the dash will fit with the dash bar. Yet another thing that I should have done.


Sam Neave (LNA Enterprises) did the cage–same guy that did Stephen’s. Excellent work and he has some really great ideas about cage design–this was a melding of both our thoughts and I really like the outcome.


Looks good. Like how the seat mount is integrated with the cage. I would have like to seen the diagonal and rear down bars all meet at the same point though. I can’t wait to see how you get the dash back in. I imagine there will be a lot of cussing going on;) Still planning on making CMP?


DMoses wrote:

We talked about that point a bit. The reasoning for the roof diagonal not going to the corner was to keep it from my head and we decided the main hoop diagonal would be just as effective going to that point and intercepting the arc of the main hoop. The rear down bar was tied into the point at the side because it has the most direct load path. In any case, I don’t think it matters much at all.

Still aiming for CMP, but I won’t know if I can make it until I get more parts in the mail.


Wow! that is so close to the design I have for mine it is like you have seen my drawings. Few questions though. Why are the 7th and 8th points so far inward? Will you have room for a dead pedal? Were you aiming for a certin spot?

I like the seat mount a lot. You may get some flack about an additional mounting point where that stud and nut is.

I am very curious to see the dash back in. I plan to run a dash bar above the steering but behind the cluster. It may have to be bent in a slight curve but we will see. If you can get the dash to look OK then I may try your method.

Also, are the braces that go from the A piler to the dash bar in the way of your knee or leg?

Great work.

Michael O.


Something else I just thought of. That window net is going to make it hard to get in and out of the car. You may want to shorten the bottom rod and use staps to attach it to the X in the door bars. This way it will fall all the way down for getting in and out. Or you can use a L shaped bottom bar where the L point down and rides in a ring with a catch. This will let if fall as well.

Michael O.


ilateapex wrote:

The idea was to get them to the frame rail rather than the soft sheet metal of the fender well. The passenger side is right on it; driver’s side is close. I’m probably going to weld a small dead pedal right to the bracing.

Most people won’t even see it, but if I do I’ll take the nut off. The cage is allowed to touch the body in any number of places if it’s not attached.

I don’t think it’s going to be that much of a problem putting the dash in, I looked at it long and hard before deciding to do it this way. I’ll let you know the results. Were you planning to go above or below the steering column mount that comes from the firewall? If above, I think you’ll have interference with the cluster or the ducting. If below, I think you’ll need a pretty good kink in the bar.

Nope, I’ll put some padding there to protect in the case of a wreck, but it’s not in the way.


I agree and understand the "touch" idea and was going to sugest that if it became an issue for you.

I removed my dash and removed all the duct work and then reinstalled the defrost vents with the ends taped up. I then reinstalled the dash and the instrument cluster. When looking through the dash there is a small aount of room between the instrumant cluster and the defrost vents. I took my jack handle and was able to fish it through this hole. I plan on using 1.5" tube for this bar. I plan to move my A pilar bars a little more forward and bend the dash bar a little rearward. I think it will work. I like your idea of tieing to the front frame rail but I like lots of foot room. I my use up all the 100 SqIn to do something similar.

Michael O.


The window net bars are spring loaded top and bottom so I can take top, bottom, or both off for ingress/egress.


Nice install.


looks very nice

I have seen pics of another cage with a dash bar like that but they’re on my other computer so I don’t know who it was right now.

I think I would get annoyed with those front bars crowding the clutch pedal. I like the idea of using the 100 sq in mounting plate to go over to that frame rail area though.

I asked Jerry Kunzman for a clarification on the spring loaded window net (which I plan to use also) because 15.10 in the CCR refers to an actual mechanism for quick release being in the top front position. I am sure this will be deemed equivalent. … just got the response (in minutes!):

[quote]As long as it will release from the top front corner, there shouldn’t be a problem. If it’s not obvious how to work the mechanism, the inspection may ask that it be modified in some way. Sometimes just adding a “pull tab� to the bar itself helps make it more clear.

Also sent him a question with a couple of pics about the seat mount 15.6.2 rule which requires mounting of the seat to a steel floor pan whereas this one is just resting on it. I think it is safer for the seat to move with the cage. …his response:

[quote]It’s hard to give you my opinion from the pictures. This is something for the local inspector. The car owner should also contact Racetech for their opinion, since they made the seat.


mskeen wrote:

[quote]Picked up my car from the cage builder today and fabbed some mounts for the window net this afternoon. This is the first design I’ve seen with a dash bar that doesn’t affect the defroster; it’ll require some extensive trimming of the dash below the instrument cluster, but I think it will work out. I’ll let you know how the dash install goes.

The pics:[/quote]


stupid duplicate post


here is where I saw the pics of another cage dash bar like yours

some good stuff on Izzy’s site.


leggwork wrote:

[quote]looks very nice

I have seen pics of another cage with a dash bar like that but they’re on my other computer so I don’t know who it was right now.



I like it a lot. I might steal some ideas when I get mine done at the end of this month.


Excuse my ignorance, and probably misinterpretation of the series rules, but I have to ask.
7.4.3 Dashboard me be cut solely to allow passage of roll cage "front down tubes".
So you shouldn’t cut the dashboard to fit the "dash bar".???