temp sender size


Is the stock water temp sender:

D…None of the above

Debating whether this is even that valuable given the stock gauge works fine, but thought I would add a warning light sender.

I spent more time researching guages and senders than installing my IE Camber plates. :blink: When I get it all straight, I’ll post it all in one place for future noobies like me.

Post edited by: goldfish, at: 2006/09/01 19:12


Which one are you lookin at? There ar two:
1- for instrument clusster (sender has one prong)
2- for ECU it has two prongs

Now this below is IIRC :slight_smile:
One for instrument cluster is M14, and the other is either M14 as well or M12 (I can’t remember but if you can compare it to one for the cluster you can figgure it out).



I wouldn’t even bother with a water temp warning light. If you were having overheating problems, the temp would gradually go up and you’d have plenty of warning if you watch the gauges regularly like you should be doing. An oil pressure light that’s in a more visible place would be worth the effort.

But, to answer your question, it should be M14x1.5. Note that there are 4 total sensor ports on the t-stat housing. Two have sensors in them and the other two are plugged with M14 bolts. You can remove one of the bolts and put another sensor in there. Note that the stock temp sensor is the same as what comes with most VDO gauge packages on the market so you won’t be upgrading anything.


Thanks Lance / Igor. I think the stock sender will drive a 220* VDO gauge, I thought of just doing that but I read that E30 racers tend to run at or above 220, so wanted a higher and more accurate gauge, which I thought required a new a new 250* sender - is that not the case? i.e. are you saying the stock sender will drive a 250* VDO gauge?

Egauges has the 14x1.5 250* sender for <$12, but backordered temporarily.

I did order the OP sender with warning light, along with a crank scraper.

Post edited by: goldfish, at: 2006/09/02 21:08


The tick mark just right of center on the stock console is 220F. Red zone is 250F. I thought the same as you so I bought the VDO 250F gauge and sender and it read exactly the same as the stock gauge. Waste of money, but hey, live and learn.

And I’ve never seen more than 210F on the track, even in the middle of summer at Thunderhill or BW. The only temp problem I have is oil temp. I’ve seen it as high as 280F so I’ll most likely be upgrading the oil cooler in the winter.


I replaced the radiator and mine runs just below half, on the stock gauge. Thanks for the numbers though.

And I’ve heard that Mobile One can take 280 degrees; no problem.
