Team Dirty Jersey -New England LeMons


OK guys I really wanted to enter the 24 Hours of Lemons this year, but I was busy getting married.

The New England LeMons is scheduled again for 2009.
Date: July 11-12, 2009
Track: Stafford Motor Speedway, Stafford Springs CT
Entry Deadline: Ten weeks before the race (2 May 2009)

I have an extra e30 sitting in my driveway that I paid less than 500 dollars for. It runs great and I have patched the gaping hole in the floor.

Do you want to be apart of a LeMons team? Non-Jersey wannabes are welcome to apply.

Dirty Jersey - You Visit, We live it!


We should talk. i car or e car? How many drivers do you have lined up?
Proud owner of Salazar Racing’s #325 which died honorably at Lemons CMP 2008.


We can probably get some guys together, is that a roval?



It is an “IS” car, a 1988 325is. The problem was that when I got it you could put your foot thru the floor and touch the left front tire. (rust weight reduction program) I have carefully sculpted and welded in 16ga patch panels.:blink: ohh yeah it has 220,000 miles on the clock.

Other than myself I have no other drivers lined up. I know some guys would want to do it, but they don’t plan that far ahead and I wouldn’t have 100% faith in their commitment.

do you have anything that can be salvaged from the Salazar car. Wasn’t that car the people’s curse?

Andrew, The 24hrs guys list it as a road course/ bull ring combo. Track map looks like a roval.

Do you hear the Sopranos music playing in the background? I know I do!


still space open for a driver?


Due to the economic downturn and the fact that we do not have a federal bail out. I don’t think making the Lemons race is going to be cut from the budget this year.


being local guys as well, team dirty jerz needs to live!