Lots of action this past weekend, on and off track!
Tales of Roebling Road - April 2013
My highlights…
Friday -
Fun times learning the track in Test & Tune group with Sandro and Mark
Awesome seafood boil… Thanks Laura!
unintentional pit maneuver on a 944 during Sat qualifying… guess I’m going to be on the 'Poopy board" now.:evil: Broken rear swaybar mount on Saturday (or might have broke it a few weeks back). Thanks to Patton’s vast spare parts inventory he actually had a reinforcement kit that he let me use. Thanks to Stroup and Herrington for helping fix it just in time for the Bunny Chase.
Cars off everywhere during qualifying and race. Great that the rain held off and Gress lifted on the final lap due to car smoking issues which helped me get 14th. Toyo $$ :woohoo:
No video as my camera was having issues all weekend
Saturday, I qualified 8th… Herrington got by me between 4 and 5 on the first lap and made his car pretty wide for the first half of the race so I fell as far back as 9th. Chuck bobbled in two and we both got by, halfway through the race I used out of class traffic to get by Harrington, and then caught up to Lako with a few laps to go. He does need an engine, but my tires we’re pretty slick by then and he always got a good enough run out of the carousel onto the front straight that I couldn’t capitalize. A thunder roadster pitting as Lako tried to take turn 9 leading onto the white flag lap caused him to lift and gave me an opportunity to get by and secure 6th for a set of brake pads (Thanks Bimmerworld!!!)
The bunny race Saturday evening was fun… staggered inverted start meant people we’re spaced out and slowly grouped together. I put on an OLD set of severely heat cycled RA-1s and skated around a bit. Towards the end, the pseudo inverted three wide standing restart (in hindsight) may not have been the best idea in the world. It resulted in a side/side bang Nothing too bad… it’ll buff out ;)… Thanks to Geno’s Garage for putting it together.
Sunday’s qualifying (for me) was not good… I could not find the fast line and get the car to stick to save my life. After holding up Lako and a couple other folks I let them by and settled for what ended up being 10th place. After noon on Sunday all eyes went to the weather as everyone tried to forecast whether or not the (large) storm would make it before, during, or after our 45 minute race… Team owner (Wendy) made the dry tire call, Julio & Eric went wet, and most everyone else went dry. While we saw some sprinkles in the race, nothing heavy enought to impact grip… good call Wendy! Unfortunately, lap one turned double yellow as Herrington, Robert Patton, and Sumpter got together through with all three ending up track right. At the restart, I ended up in a group behind Lako & Julio. It was interesting to see head to head differences between the RRs and the RA1s… Julio held on for a while but I eventually worked my way by and using traffic settled into a comfortable 5th place finish.
My first road trip with the new truck & trailer… I definitely liked the setup, especially packing up after the race (in the rain). Also, it was great meeting some new folks (to me) in the series.
Hate I missed it. I gotta get my shit together. I haven’t touch my car since Nov. working on other projects. I am starting this weekend, I think:unsure:
It was more about making it to the track this weekend than the results. Scott Clements slaved over the 81 for the last 2 weeks bringing the car back to life. Great job Scott. I appreciate everything you do for Group3racing as well as just about everyone else in the paddock. I could not have gotten it together with out Walsh as well. Thanks David. Check our Facebook page soon for rebuild pics and video.
I will review and post video if interesting. I should have some good footage of Sundays turn 2 incident. Otherwise, I exchanged some laps with Childress and way to many behind julio. That will need to change. Great clean racing boys.