Sun that a problem?


I found a clean looking '89 325i it’s 2-door.

Also has a sunroof. I understand I’ll have to make an aluminum filler to put instead of the sunroof glass. Is that much of an issue on a Spec E30?

Or do I want to find a car without the sun roof?

Thank you!


I would bet that most of the US e30s had sunroofs.
A glass sunroof definitely has to be replaced (or completely taped over, but you’ll make more money selling the glass sunroof) - you can either find a stock metal sunroof and install it, or fabricate a metal plug or skin (same material as the roof).

Welcome to spec e30 building!

7.13. Sunroof clips
7.13.1. Sunroof clips are recommended, but not required.
7.13.2. Glass roof tops shall be removed or completely taped over. Use of clear tape is recommended. The sunroof cassette mechanism may be removed so long as a replacement panel is either securely sealed (welded/bonded) or secured in place with retaining clips as specified in the CCR. The panel shall be flush with the roofline and of the same material as original.


Sun roofs are not the problem (I have one) – as Bruce already mentioned, sell your glass sunroof and put the money towards the car build. While back someone said (was it on this board?) that glass sun roof went for few hundred bucks on ebay. Get a metal sunroof from junk yard – you just need top ‘lid’ and nothing else – and affix it to the roof. There are number of ways of doing it, but probably the least complicated is to have two metal strips riveted to the roof and the sunroof (that’s what I have).



Glass moonroofs are like gold on eBay, e30tech and r3vlimited.


You’re not likely to find a car without a sunroof. I haven’t seen one yet! Plan on selling the glass one, as others have suggested. Metal ones are easy enough to get. In fact, I think we still have one floating around here you could have pretty cheap. If you retain the metal sunroof frame that is bonded to the roof, it’s easy to make a few angle brackets and bolt that piece into place. However, removing the tray increases your headroom quite a bit. Simply getting a piece of metal and riveting it onto the roof to cover the hole is the quickest way to solve the problem. Attractive? Well, maybe not, but then I’ve seen some other patch jobs where the attempt at hiding the panel looked worse than this, so it’s up to you how much cosmetics matter.


I found a pic of my sunroof ‘fixed’ in place


The book that was discussed on another thread "Go Ahead - Take the Wheel" has a short section on replacing a glass sunroof using the sheet metal a rivets method. It’s a really good book for beginners.

$16.95 + $4.00 shipping


you mean like this …
Sheet of 2x3’ steel from Lowe’s

freeland wrote:

[quote]The book that was discussed on another thread "Go Ahead - Take the Wheel" has a short section on replacing a glass sunroof using the sheet metal a rivets method. It’s a really good book for beginners.

$16.95 + $4.00 shipping[/quote]


Put that glass roof on ebay!!! Big dollars…

My 318i has as solid roof 1991 4 door.

Never seen another one without a sun roof.


That is what I am going to do I think. Just all around easier.

leggwork wrote:

[quote]you mean like this …
Sheet of 2x3’ steel from Lowe’s

freeland wrote:

[quote]The book that was discussed on another thread "Go Ahead - Take the Wheel" has a short section on replacing a glass sunroof using the sheet metal a rivets method. It’s a really good book for beginners.

$16.95 + $4.00 shipping[/quote] [/quote]