

I just sent payment for a nice '89 325i in Los Angelas - socal car all its life. A friend of mine is helping me out and I’ll go get it in a few weeks and bring it back to Boulder,CO. Its diff is shot so I have to find a new LSD diff before I bring it back so that’s the next step.

I’ll post a little utility that I created to help search all the craigslist and other sites for a candidate.



Here is a utility that I created to help search for a spec e30 candidate car.

Save the attached html file to your desktop and then open it. You can click on any of the cities and it will do a search for e30’s. The full query string is at the bottom of the page. You can edit the file the change the query using the ‘View Source’ function in your browser and then resaving the file to your desktop. Then refresh the file in your browser.

The other search links near the bottom of the page may not work for you since some sites use cookies. If you manually do a search on those site, you can copy the resulting url into the file to replace the search strings that are there now.



it will only let me upload a .txt file so saved the attached file as 325search.html to your desktop.

Another tip, don’t use Word to edit this file - only use a plain text editor like Notepad.

bruce [file name=325search.txt size=23379][/file]


Ok…I am a computer idiot it appears.

I can’t get my system to allow me to save it as anyting other than a *.txt file.

Can you email it to me as an HTML file?

Or share just how to save it as an html file?

Normally I am not this dense.



I emailed the file to Ric with an html extension, but what I would do is save it to my desktop as a .txt file, then change the extension using Rename in Windows Explorer.