Steering rack legality?


Hi all -

I’m currently in the CCA DE program on the west coast and hoping to race specE30 in the next year or two. I’m trying to keep the car (89 325is) in line with the regs as much as possible as I replace things that break or need upgrading. I couldn’t resist the Zionsville steering rack, and thought that it was in line with the rules. Since then I’m beginning to wonder and have seen posts on other forums indicating it may not be a good idea. The mod uses an OEM rack from either an e36 M3 or a Z3 and some additional bushings to reduce the rate down to 3 or so turns lock to lock. because the rule reads "Steering components may be substituted" and the rack is OEM, I thought this would be OK. Searched and couldn’t find this, just hoping for a little clarification. If I need to remove it I’d rather do it now so i can get used to it again. If this rack is not allowed, would the e30M3 rack work since it’s a direct drop in and is an e30 part?




My $.02 worth…

8.4. "Substituted" means that original OEM equivalent items may be used.

Unless it has the same ratio as stock, it is not equivalent.


  • just bought a ZF reman stock rack


makes sense, esp. considering your reman ZF. :wink:

I think I was taking it to be more open than

8.3 "Original" means "stock for the chassis, model and year of the car."

so that it would allow all OEM spec racks. However I’m beginning to think you are right and it probably means you can run a non-ZF repalcement that has all the same specs as the ZF, but is not OEM. Basically an allowance for non OEM manufactured replacements that are of the exact OEM specs.

I kept the stocker, but the new one is SO much nicer. Oh well.

Perhaps i should have looked this up beforehand (sigh)

equivalent - corresponding or virtually identical especially in effect or function. capable of being placed in one-to-one correspondence.

Mark (still hoping for a definitive)


binaryfarms wrote:

It’s all about me!

Carter, we need a ruling. If we can uses non-stock ratios, I’m sending my new one back for an E36 rack.

Post edited by: edw, at: 2006/08/25 13:59


At least you can send yours back, I’ll be ebay bound if it’s denied! :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly I don’t know that it makes a huge difference most of the time, but there is some tight stuff out here where it’s nice not to have to shuffle. The hairpin at sears and some tight stuff at Las Vegas Motor Speedway also warrented shuffling, or at least getting pretty wrapped up. I’m sure there is some tight stuff on the other coast that would also like a quicker rack?


binaryfarms wrote: I’m sure there is some tight stuff on the other coast that would also like a quicker rack?[/quote]

The left hander at Lime Rock Park would be nicer with a quicker rack. In the grand scheme of things, a quicker rack is not necessary on track but greatly appreciated while autocrossing.

Carter. Paging Dr. Carter.


'Been away for a couple of days trying to work out a deal to co-drive in a 911 at the 6-Hour VIR Grand Am Cup race at VIR in Oct.

We’ll need a couple guys for crew. No pay but you will be well taken care of…or whatever the proper grammer is for that statement. We’ll need help on Friday and Saturday.

Back to the rack question…it’s late Friday night, I have a 20 mile bike ride at 6:30 am, and I need to research this well. Give me a day or so.

But regardless, it’s always, always, always better to keep the car simple. If you start trying to change this or that part, and don’t know if it’s legal, you’ll probably end up causing yourself a lot of grief (and maybe some money). And I doubt you’ll ever gain much of anything on the track.

My car is extremely simple and it’s working ok for me.



Carter wrote:

[quote]'Been away for a couple of days trying to work out a deal to co-drive in a 911 at the 6-Hour VIR Grand Am Cup race at VIR in Oct.

We’ll need a couple guys for crew. No pay but you will be well taken care of…or whatever the proper grammer is for that statement. We’ll need help on Friday and Saturday.[/quote]

Not to threadjack, but count me in, if you need it – not sure about Friday (still working out that whole "job" thing.)

  • Dan


After looking at the rules…

9.3.7. Steering Steering components may be substituted. Power steering pump and associated plumbing may be removed. Power steering hoses may be replaced. Power steering belts may be removed.

and looking at the definition or "substituted" in the Spec E30 Rules, it is clear that OEM steering components are allowed. To be consistent with the other OEM components (bumpers, fuel tanks, etc.) only the OEM equivalent part that came on that car, from the BMW factory, can be used.

Recently, I replaced the master cylinder on my car and I made sure it was the master cylinder for a 1989 BMW 325i.

Even though a different one, from BMW, would fit, I still chose the 1989 325i master cylinder.

In an effort to keep it simple (that is, we don’t want someone to find a "trick part" that gives an advantage, forcing others to want this part) only the OEM steering rack, for that model and year car, is legal. The Rules aren’t perfect but we are trying to keep things as simple and straightforward as possible.

I appreciate you guys bringing this up for discussion prior to installing the part because it makes life easier for you and for the Spec E30 officials. I have found a few items on others’ new cars that had to be removed (or put back on the car) because the owner "just thought it would be ok."

It’s much better to discuss these things early.



Thanks for the clarification. Stock rack it is!


oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

So since I’m on a roll can I get spanked on my CAB’s as well? I got treehouse racing eyeball arms.

If I’m getting the hang of this reg thing, it looks like it’s fine to replace the bushing material and change the offset. However since these replace the OEM lollipops, I think they may fall under the dread "if the rules don’t say you can do it…" rule. What are most guys running for CAB’s, the solid e30M3 jobs?

Anybody wanna help a man whose wallet is in pain by bidding up a steering rack on ebay?


binaryfarms wrote:

[quote]oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

So since I’m on a roll can I get spanked on my CAB’s as well? I got treehouse racing eyeball arms.

If I’m getting the hang of this reg thing, it looks like it’s fine to replace the bushing material and change the offset. However since these replace the OEM lollipops, I think they may fall under the dread "if the rules don’t say you can do it…" rule. What are most guys running for CAB’s, the solid e30M3 jobs?

Anybody wanna help a man whose wallet is in pain by bidding up a steering rack on ebay?[/quote] We have had the eveball arms discussion already and because the lollipop is replaced, it is not legal. wanna trade for a legal rack?


So I’m 0 for 2. Oh well, I still have the stock rack and the OEM lollipops, so I don’t really need to trade, but thanks. Just a few parts to buy, sell and install.

Thanks for the clarifications everyone. I’ll hunt around for CAB recomendations.