SpecE30 Handling Question


This is my first post! Long time lurker…finally decided to get registered. I’ve been racing with NASA NorCal for three years in GTI-Cup http://www.norcalgticup.com/ . NASA has decided to incorporate GTI-Cup into Performance Touring…so I am now looking for another Spec racing series to participate in and am seriously considering SpecE30. I’ve talked to Walter Ford and Valley Motorwerks who is trying to get SpecE30 off the ground in NorCal…good guy…a real enthusiast! It looks like there will be maybe five NorCal SpecE30 cars racing by the 2008 season.

Talking with my fellow racers about SpecE30 there seems to be the feeling that these cars might be real "tail-happy" aka loose (like a Pro7) but no one has driven one set up in SpecE30 trim yet to really be able to judge. I’m getting lobbied to go with a SpecMiata instead…but I really like the idea of getting in on the ground floor for SpecE30 in NorCal. My question to those who have been racing SpecE30…how are these cars to drive? And, can anyone make any comparisons between a SpecE30 car and a SpecMiata or Pro7?

Scott Neville
NorCal GTI-Cup


A properly set up SpecE30 is a very neutral, comfortable driving car. Don’t know where the tail-happy talk comes from. I haven’t driven a Miata so can’t compare, however.


I haven’t been racing yet, but the first time I tracked my car with a full SpecE30 set-up, it was totally benign. I was able to push it to 10/10s of my ability with complete comfort.



I’ll 2nd what Sasha and Chuck said. The Spec E30 is very neutral and provides the drive with solid feedback.

As for the tail-happy commit I can tell you from my experience… the car seems to be very balanced.

Before getting my E30, I had an M Coupe (e36/8) which has the e30 rear sub frame. It was a very tail happy car. But once I learned to open the wheel, it just made it more fun to drive. With that said… I haven’t encountered those characteristics in my e30 with the Spec set up.

BTW: I don’t miss the M Coupe at all. :dry: Well… at least when it comes to driving on the track.


This is good news…like I said earlier no one I know has driven one so our conversation was really only "speculation". I’ve driven a Pro7 and didn’t like it very much…Valley Motorwerks said I can test out their car when the get it completed…I’m looking forward to that! This race series is looking more and more interesting. Thanks for the feedback.


Hi Scott,

You have to keep in mind that Walter has a Hartge motor in his E30, so yea - HIS car is tail happy :laugh:

I know my car still handles pretty balanced, and I still have a stock rear susp in my iS. I can make it kick out, but it’s under control. I imagine when I put the spec sway bar and poly bushings in that it will tighten up a little more but honestly I like the ability to throttle steer it so I’m not in a hurry yet.

There are a few of us building cars now for Norcal, do a search here. More company on track is going to be welcomed - pretty good chance that it’s going to grow, and it’ll be fun to be in early. There’s a couple of us making the HPDEs here, come by and say hi and maybe go for a ride. Mine is black, only black one far as I know.



Hi AJ,

Walter’s current track car is very nice…he showed it to me at his shop the other day. Walter offered to let me drive his SpecE30 when he got it finished later this year so I’m looking forward to that. That’s good news that there are SpecE30 cars being built for NorCal. If things pan out the way I want this year…I’d be building a SpecE30 late summer with the intent of getting it ready to race for a full 2008 season. But the big “if� for me is getting my house remodel done by the end of summer (so my wife doesn’t divorce me)!

I told Walter, and the offer extends to you as well, that I would be happy to help instruct and give advice in getting your rookie race license. I’ll be staying in touch with Walter through the year but you can also e-mail me anytime too. My e-mail is: sneville44 at yahoo dot com.



Could be without rear spacers? Myself and another buddy have cars pretty close to completion. Before we added the rear spacers (and to be 100% honest at least for him completed the RTABs and Subframe) both felt the car was a bit twitchy in the behind.

Not undrivable though.


sneville44 wrote:

[quote]Hi AJ,

Walter’s current track car is very nice…he showed it to me at his shop the other day. Walter offered to let me drive his SpecE30 when he got it finished later this year so I’m looking forward to that. That’s good news that there are SpecE30 cars being built for NorCal. If things pan out the way I want this year…I’d be building a SpecE30 late summer with the intent of getting it ready to race for a full 2008 season. But the big “if� for me is getting my house remodel done by the end of summer (so my wife doesn’t divorce me)!

I told Walter, and the offer extends to you as well, that I would be happy to help instruct and give advice in getting your rookie race license. I’ll be staying in touch with Walter through the year but you can also e-mail me anytime too. My e-mail is: sneville44 at yahoo dot com.


Thanks Scott - I will take you up on that!

Walter let me ride shotgun at the autocross - definately a quick car.

Hope to see you out there.



IndyJim wrote:

[quote]Could be without rear spacers? Myself and another buddy have cars pretty close to completion. Before we added the rear spacers (and to be 100% honest at least for him completed the RTABs and Subframe) both felt the car was a bit twitchy in the behind.

Not undrivable though.[/quote]

The only time I have felt significant oversteer was when I had front tires that were worn to about 2/32" and rears at 6/32", at the National Championship weekend. After the rears wore down, the car went right back to neutral.

Tire management (tread depth and pressures) has the most affect on handling balance.



sneville44 wrote:

[quote]This is my first post! Long time lurker…finally decided to get registered.

Scott Neville
NorCal GTI-Cup

Oh…and welcome to Spec E30!

