Hi guys
I’ve got a question for you. I am signed up for the comp school @ VIR in July. My car ('89 325) was set up for spec E30 while going through HPDEs and had planned on racing in spec E30 also, but I wanted more power so I swapped in a '95 M3 drivetrain, brakes, etc… Now that i’m this close - consumable costs (brakes and tires) have me a little concerned.
I guess my question is - is there any of you guys that used to race other higher powered cars that have switched to spec E30 and been happy w/ the power? Do you forget about it when the flag drops?
I know its got to be different actually racing against equally powered cars compared to running "against" vettes, M3s, WRXs, and mustangs in HPDEs. I was happy w/ everything about the car except the power - I still have the spec suspension under the car.
Hope I didn’t ramble too much. And thanks for your time.