Slow wipers?


I have noticed that my wipers seem to drag slooowly across the windshield regardless of speed setting. If I raise them off the glass the will work properly at all speed settings. Any ideas what might be wrong? Maybe the spring tension is too strong or maybe the motor is going bad?

I need to have this fixed before the weekend in case we have some rain on Sunday. It sure would suck to race 3 hours in the rain with insufficient wipers. :woohoo:


Not sure if it applies, but it was a pretty common problem when I was into Fiats. The wiper linkage would get ‘dry’. Taking it out, taking it somewhat apart and greasing/cleaning it up usually did the trick.


For those still new to this madness, I use the wipers at slow speeds. At high speeds I turn them off and rely on Rain X.



I also use rain-x on my street cars, it works great at highway speeds but seems to wear off pretty quickly when using the wipers at lower speeds.

I am getting a used wiper motor from Bret sometime today or tomorrow so I can swap it out if needed at VIR.