Sebring 1-3May


NASA FL and BMWCCA are doing a joint event at Sebring 1-3May. If you’ve never been there, this is your chance to get in enough track time to figure out the track and race on it all on a single weekend. Bucket list, baby.

What makes this event special is that it’s a 3-day event. Those are kinda rare at Sebring.

I don’t have all the details but there will be several ways to get track time on Friday before racing on Sat and Sun. One of those ways is a 4hr enduro.

You can race now with BMWCCA even tho you only have a NASA Comp License. I don’t have all the details on that either but it’s something along the lines of getting an exemption from the race director for the event and you can do it only once/yr. Note, however, that as long as there’s some lead time it’s just not that hard to fill out the paperwork and get a physical for a real BMWCCA license. Bring the NASA physical paperwork at the same time and knock out two birds with one stone.


This weekend is the toughest on the calendar for those SE people trying to hit both Championships. The only chance to run VIR is on this very weekend. I’m guessing that will spread people out quite a bit contrary to what it says in the google docs chart. I will miss this so that I can get track time at VIR.


^ presumably VIR on July 17-19 is too close to the western championships date?

Anyway, for those who can join us at Sebring it’s going to be a great event. See all the NASA registration options at . Further details are at , schedule and entry list will be posted there as we get closer.

A whole lot of track time is available for those with both licenses. 6+ hours per day possibly. And it’ll probably be the only 3 day NASA event ever held there. C’mon down! B)


I agree. I’m looking at the VIR date on 18Jul as a possibility for a tune-up, or I might do a DE up there and share a coach with someone. My favorite plan tho is to just get a coach for a day at VIR on 3Sep, the trackday prior to East Coast Nats.

I’ll get a helova lot faster at VIR by spending a day with a coach then I will from a normal track weekend.

A person can wait years for a 3day event at Sebring. I’m not missing it.


Nice, I’ll bet Skeen or Krause or Tom Long could be available that day… my lap times dropped just from eating lunch with those dudes


Schedules “v2” have been posted, linked from .

Check out allllll the track time (i.e. both race groups and an enduro) available if you want it B)