The previous owner of my racecar had a custom seat mount put in place. It works great for this seat, but isn’t adjustable at all. With a new seat on the way, I wanted to put something in place that was flexible enough to fit the new seat and accommodate my tweaks to seating position.
That said, I went with a combination of the VAC floor mount adapters and Motion Motorsport adjustable side mounts. Should be the ultimate in flexibility.
There’s only one problem. The front studs for the stock seat rails were cut off when the previous seating system was put in place.
My plan is to drill out where the studs are supposed to be and run a longer bolt down through the chassis, and secure with some large backing plates under the car.
Another option, depending on what kind of metal I find when I start drilling is to put a helicoil in.
I’m leaning towards the first option.
Any other ideas? Any reason I shouldn’t go this route?