I like the ideas and here are my thought:
Carter wrote:
It looks like we’ll go with a 6% rule on dyno checks. If a car is more than 6% above the mean dyno number (on HP or torque) of the other cars, it will be more thoroughly checked and possibly DQ’d. [/quote]
I like the idea behind this but wandering if there is a better way to define this. In a odd ball chance that in a small field there are all but one car with "tired" motors and one with fresh, and legal, rebuild, what is possibility (probability) that "newer" motor will be 6% stronger then the rest? Think of smallest possible set - two cars. Chances in that case are greatest that 6% diff can show up (although both cars are legal). With bigger field of cars, those chances are reduced…It would be unfair that the car gets DQ-ed even though it’s legal. I do acknowledge that you say "possibly DQ-ed", hence left to the tech inspectors/judge’s discretion.
I haven’t thought about this a lot, but one idea that comes to mind is to place only upper limit on HP and torque values. For example: any car above 172 HP will be taken closer look at or DQ-ed 9I am not proposing 172 HP as a limit - just using it as an example) That way it’s consistent at all races for all cars in all regions (basically you take dependency on other cars out). Upper limit can be based on published data from BMW. Note that I said "based on" since i don’t know how they performed tests. For upper limit cutoff I think that we should add up all (relevent ) variables and their variations errors - i.e. power of freshly rebuilt motor with +1 size pistons (IIRC allowed by rules), perfect atmospheric conditions, etc.[ there is some figuring out to be done here
One disadvantage that I see with what I proposed (that is actually an advantage in your proposal) is dyno itself. I really don’t know what are the differences between same mfg/model dynos but they can influence the measurement. I know that different dynos from different mfg.'s can show widely different results though. So if we develop numbers with specific dyno and use that same model in all regions for tests we should be OK. If we use different model or different mfg dynos for there might be a problem.
In essence what you proposed is relative measurement, and what I have "thrown in the beg" is absolute measurement - both have pros and cons…
We’ll possibly require retail unleaded pump gas - which is what everyone is using anyway.[/quote]
I am not sure how easy is to enforce this. Are you planning on checking gas siphoned from every car’s tank? Although it’s easy to spot someone at the pump on the track filling up with racing gas (higher octane), it’s not so easy if they just slip bottle of additive. Again, I really don’t know how easy is to check this (and who will carry and calibrate equipment, etc.), so it might be a mute point. I just don’t want us to have rules that are not enforceable. From my prospective I am planning on using pump gas…
Go to a spec exhaust, sometime, to remove that variable that is an issue with our cars. The exhaust, good and bad, has been the biggest variable. We have dyno’d many, many cars and there’s no doubt about it. Any part of the exhaust system beginning with and including, the catalytic converter may be replaced, unless a replacement system is specified in these regulations, provided: [/quote]
Are you sure the exhaust is the biggest variable? Not trying to be sarcastic, just curious. Unless various exhaust configurations have been tested under same conditions on one (same) car, from scientific point of view, data which is attributed to exhaust differences might be meaningless (ie not trusted because there are other variables at play not just exhaust configuration).
As rules are written right now, someone can spend a lot of money to gain 3-4 HP at best by messing with (developing) the "free" part of exhaust. In my opinion this is just not worthed as bang for the buck is very minimal. If someone really wants to do this to SpecE30 car I say let them, but I’ll spend my money elsewhere.
Another impact to changing this rules to "spec exhaust" might be to guys who will drive to events (which will most likely be me at the very beginning). As rules are written right now I can keep stock exhaust drive on the street and on the track. I also have an option of replacing tail end of the exhaust once I am on the track (two flanges and 4 bolts). My concern with possible rule change is to flexibility of doing this
We’ll have a few spare ECU’s at the track and we will draw names and make the swap during the weekend. Some will have to dyno with their ECU and then with one of ours.[/quote]
Are you proposing that we swap ECUs for the race or just for the dyno test. If former, I would think that we would need a rule to clarify what happens if I crash and destroy your ECU, i.e how would you get compensated. Also, there is always an odd chance that electrical gremlins can short and destroy your ECU, in my car, on the track or just during dyno test run, so same compensation/handling of the situations concerns apply. I am not against this proposed rule at all, but just think that we should think how to handle some scenarios…
We’ll check cam lift.
[/quote] No real issues here (actually what happens if who ever is testing this unintentionally drops something down my engine’s oil passages?)
No plans for locked diff
[quote] Interior mirror(s) may be replaced with multi-panel type mirror, so long as they do not extend beyond the confines of the interior of the vehicle.
Do many of you have single panel convex interior mirrors? I do. We might reword this one.[/quote]
wink type of mirror should still be legal right?
If you have a logical point (not including bumpers and wheels - those horses are dead) and want to bring up an issue, please do.[/quote]
I got two that I think are logical (
1.RTABs (rear Trailing Arm Bushings) - I brought this up before here. My take is that f we can run adj. RTABs let’s do it right, otherwise let’s specify no offset/no adj RTAB allowed.
- rear swaybar - it’s been brought up few times ( even during times when we were on Yahoo groups) so I will not detail it now. This is actually the area that i think people might spend a lot of money as series grows, and hence creating bigger discrepancy between performance of the cars (as opposed to developing end of exhaust pipes). I understand that choices are not easy as it would require spec bar, or be it "free" and then people might "thinker" with setting on the track. My vote here would for it to be free - there isn’t much that we can thinker on these cars (which is good!) but also part of good racer is to know and understand the car, so if someone wants to use their knowledge to fine tune the car let it be
man this is a long post, but hey you asked