Ranger is right. The Directors have talked about the possibility of allowing different types of reinforcement to the front ends, but they want to keep it inexpensive and relatively simple.
On the west coast, we have seen the welds do the same. In fact, we are now seeing some strut tower movement as they fold a bit. Not everyone is seeing this. The joke is that they are not driving hard enough. Their reply is that we drive too hard.
I feel that the rumble strips we have out here are more like speed bumps and using them actually helps bring the car around the corners. I know that sounds odd, but you have to drive it to see what I mean. Nevertheless, some would say that doing so is what is causing it for us. Well, I would buy into that if others who are not up on the curbing weren’t experiencing the same problem.
Again, Ranger makes a good point…don’t just speak with your regional director, really talk with him and show him what you are experiencing. They don’t know what’s broke if you don’t tell them. However, also voice what you feel the fix is and what you, as a competitor, would be willing to do to solve the problem. Allow a bar from the cage to the strut tower? Use Vert supports on the fenders? weld the entire car into one solid piece? (LOL).
Let’s hear it. By the way, should this be posted in another section? Ranger??