Redo \"E\" of a 4-door


I am considering building a Spec30. Although NASA is not active in the NW, a Spec30 car can run in ICSCC production classes. Besides, one of these days I’d like to run at Thunderhill!

There are a whole lot of 325e here in the NW (eco-friendly) and their sale prices are reasonable. I also have an option to purchase a very solid 325i 4-door. My question is this: is it relatively simple to convernt the "e" to an "i" (engine change and all) or are there any disadvantages in running a 4-door?

Thanks for your help.

  1. Four door cars do just fine.
  2. The e to i swap isn’t too difficult, from what I hear.
  3. Keep us up to date on your project.



I’ll get the 4-door i or get an "is" if you can.
Engine transfer shouldn’t be a problem, unless it’s your first time.