Rebuild or Replace Rear Calipers


As far as I know my rear calipers have never been touched. They look pretty beatup. I assume these just need to be replaced with a rebuilt unit rather than a seal replacement. I haven’t taken them apart to look at the piston but assume it looks similar to the part I can see.

I have the Girling fronts but don’t see anything on the rears. Are all the rears the same.A couple of the places I see that carry rebuilt list CARDONE,Nugeon and ACEI. Any recommendations on what and where? I haven’t checked AutoZone/NAPA as yet.

Thanks for the info…getting ready for CMP.



I think I’d just replace them as the odds are good that the piston and bore are pitted. But then a quick hit with compressed air will pop out the piston so you can tell how extensive the damage is.


Agreed, easiest thing to do is pop the piston out and take a look, the part you see there is really the least of your worries. I just cleaned up my front and rear calipers today and they looked about like yours but the piston was fine inside. Some very light sanding to get it real smooth took care of it. As for the outside, a good wirebrushing will clean it up nice enough. After that you can always shoot some high heat paint on them and they’ll look new enough.


Those are ATE calipers in the rear


Looks like my local AdvanceAuto has remanufactured Cardone brand for $55/each. They don’t show any difference for Girling/ATE. Guess I’ll give these a try.
